Friday, February 27, 2009

Sick baby

Today Bin has a fever. :( Of course, her response on waking up, after the whole diaper routine, is to run outside and demand water for her water table. It wasn't until four hours later that she stopped running around and playing. After her nap, she decided to camp out on the couch and watch her favorite show. After several hours of Calliou, I can't imagine a worse, more annoying tv show.

Oh to make it worse, the video she has is Calliou's winter episodes. So, Christmas carols!

Potty training

Why we think it is time to start potty training:

Bin's new habit is to wake up, go potty in her diaper and then pull her pants and diaper off. She then goes over to the changing pad and lies down, waiting for us to change her. Of course, since she wakes up before us and is very silent, this has not been working as well as it might sound. She also takes off her wet diapers immediately. Which is why, even though she is a bit young for potty training, we are thinking we need to start.

So, we went and bought a book on potty training. They recommend a very slow plan for potty training- which with Bin being only 26 months, might be a good thing. Our doctor said 30 months for potty training, as did the book and most of my friends. The idea is to ease them in and work on the whole mental side. You read stories about potty training at bedtime, have them sit on the potty with their diaper on, wear panties at times you know they'll be dry for 30 minutes,etc. Crossing fingers that this will help. And hoping Bin takes a lot less time then the 4-6 months the book warns for difficult children. :)

New Blog

The purpose of this blog is to tell all sorts of cute stories about my amazing 2 year old. I imagine for people who aren't related to her, this will be dull beyond belief and for people who are related, they'll read out of obligation. I doubt I'll be posting pics- those will be on snapfish and friends can ask for an invite to see those. I also will probably not post anything about my life or my husbands or politics or anything else. Like the title says, it's all about bin. Hope you enjoy!