Monday, August 31, 2009

Sense and Sensibility

This weekend, after Bin went to bed, I watched Sense and Sensibility. Little girl is awful about going to bed, so she kept popping out, wanting to watch "mommy's movie." This afternoon she asked for mommy's movie. I showed her the dvd cases and she said yeah, that one. So, we watched Sense and Sensibility. :) She liked when they danced. I guess it is never too young for the classics.

She also really like Kai-lan's moon festival. We watched it and then she described it back to me. The fact that I watched it with her didn't hamper her enthusiasm for recounting it in detail.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today when Cutie came home, Bin jumped up and shouted "Nihao Daddy!" We watch Nihao Kai-lan so often, it is good to see some of it is rubbing off. Whereas I listen to my Chinese tapes and learn nothing.

Other cute things for today. Bin was throwing a temper tantrum and I asked "Should we take a time out?" She started screaming "No! I'm not being bad!" Along those lines, when I told her no, she said "NO! Mommy no say no!"