Monday, August 31, 2009

Sense and Sensibility

This weekend, after Bin went to bed, I watched Sense and Sensibility. Little girl is awful about going to bed, so she kept popping out, wanting to watch "mommy's movie." This afternoon she asked for mommy's movie. I showed her the dvd cases and she said yeah, that one. So, we watched Sense and Sensibility. :) She liked when they danced. I guess it is never too young for the classics.

She also really like Kai-lan's moon festival. We watched it and then she described it back to me. The fact that I watched it with her didn't hamper her enthusiasm for recounting it in detail.

1 comment:

  1. My kids like to watch the long version of Pride and Prejudice so they can dance during the music. For a while, A would say "Darcy" with an English accent, it was really funny.
