Some cute stories:
Bin doesn't really understand death and so the news that her great grandma died has been difficutl for her to process. She was looking at a picture of great grandma and told her 2.5 year old cousin Thor "My grandma died. She went away and is never coming back." Thor replied "Oh, did she go to heaven?"
On the plane ride home, Bin saw a baby (maybe 10 months old) girl and said "mommy look, a baby. I like that one! Can we have that baby?" I explained that you don't get to go out a pick a cute baby and have that one, you just get one. I did not explain that there is no chance of us getting a cute curly haired black baby like what she wants. Bin doesn't really get race and I haven't seen a reason to explain it to her. Not really sure a good way to discuss race relations with a 3 year old so I figure she plays with children of all races, has toys with all races, that is good enough for now.
Bin had a speech therapist assess her skills at school. So far, developmentally normal. There are some sounds she does not do properly, but they are under the sounds they make by 6/7/8 list. All the 3/4/5 year old sounds she did properly.
Bin was caught off guard when we went to great grandma's house. She turned to me and said "my great grandma is still dead," as if she thought that I was expecting to see grandma alive at her house.