Saturday, February 13, 2010

Demanding Child

Lately, I haven't been inspired to do much blogging. Generally, we just do the same ole stuff. Mondays is tumbling, which she loves. Her teacher says she has high hopes for Bin, once Bin grows up a little. Right now, Bin has a lot of trouble following directions, which makes it hard. As with most things, her capabilities are greater than her willingness to show them. Kind of makes me think of my brother when he took an IQ test. They could not get an actual score on him because he just refused to finish thee test. Tuesday her friend comes over here and they mostly play in the backyard. Thursday she goes over there. She does like roller skating, though she needs us to hold her hands. Wed and Friday are school, which she says she doesn't like, but I am a mean mom and don't care.

Pretty standard stuff. And a bit dull. Potty training is less then dull, but who really wants to hear about that? She is still just refusing to go, which makes life uncomfortable for us. Eighteen hours between urinating is her current record. At some level, I am very impressed. At another, just frustrated. In general, she is out of diapers and rarely makes a mess, but still not potty trained (since she doesn't go when she needs to).

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