Last time we went to Disneyworld (2003 I believe), we stayed at one of the Disney value priced hotels. My dad commented that it was so nice, he didn't realize he was at the cheapest one. After staying at a moderate hotel, all I can say is clearly he never went to the higher up hotel. Huge, huge difference. I consider the difference between say Motel6 and Holiday Inn to be worth the cost and this was a similar jump in quality (keep in mind, I have stayed at Motel6's that make the yough hostel in Europe seem like luxery). The Carribean Hotel was beautiful. We had a lake near us, with sandy beach, playground, and a small pool. A long walk (or short bus ride) away, was the big pool. Bin LOVED the big pool. Honestly, we could have stayed at the hotel the whole time and had a good vacation.
The hotel had several room options- standard non-preferred, standard preferred, pirate non-preferred and priate preferred. We stayed in the pirate non-preferred. From what I can tell, non preferred meant we were way out in the end of the propery (there were many many buildings). I actually liked being in the boonies. We were pretty private, our beach was unoccupied, and the pool mostly empty. We got to see wild life, including the cutest mommy duck with like ten babies. Bin talked about that for a lot of the trip (no camera at the time). The pirate theme was way cute and Bin would try to steer the bed and shout things like "All abord maties!"
Just walking around the hotel was nice- lots of green and flowers in bloom. We also took a 2 seater bike (with a basket for Bin) and drove around the hotel. And then we took a paddle boat out on the lake. They had a sailboat, but only for 2 (we said Bin was little, but they wouldn't go with that).
Bin would have never left the pool if we didn't force her. It easily equalled the kid section of Schlitterbahn, with little slides, dumping water, spray things and places to climb. They also had 2 spas, which bin liked. No pics, because I didn't bring my camera down to swim.
The food was acceptable, but overpriced. Sorry, $40 for a family of three to eat hamburgers, those better be dang good hamburgers. These were not- I liked Red Robins and Fuddruckers better, though these were better than McD. Of course, not having to go anywhere was nice. Also, the kids meal came with a little bucket and shovel. Bin carried that silly bucket around all of Disneyworld. She showed it to Belle too (when I post on Epcot, there will be that). The people were nice and helpful and when Bin knocked her cupcake onto the floor, they came cleaned it up and brought us a new one. Also gave Bin stickers all the time. Though Peter was sick of everyone calling Bin princess throughout the trip. At Disney, all girls are princesses, whether they want to be or not.
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